1. Trace and discuss the development of individual/civil rights and their impact on citizens. 10
2. Trace and discuss the development of individual/civil liberties and their impact on citizens.
3. Identify and discuss how the workings of the United States Supreme Court help to advance the development of civil rights over time. Include a discussion of its most significant decisions.
4. Identify and discuss how the workings of the United States Supreme Court help to advance the development of civil liberties over time. Include a discussion of its most significant decisions.
5. Trace the development of the freedom of speech over time, include an examination of key judicial interpretations.
6. Trace the development of assembly over time, include an examination of key judicial interpretations.
7. Trace the development of expression over time, include an examination of key judicial interpretations.
8. Trace the development of the rights of the accused over time, include an examination of key judicial interpretations.
Trace the development of the rights of different minority groups over time, include an examination of key judicial interpretations.
9. Trace the development of women over time, include an examination of key judicial interpretations.
10. Trace and explain the legal, social, and political evolution following the Supreme Court’s decisions regarding racial segregation.
11. Identify and discuss how the Fourteenth Amendment and the doctrine of selective incorporation have been used to extend protection of rights and liberties.
12. Identify and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Supreme Court decisions as tools of social change.
Lectures & Videos For this unit, view and take notes from the Civil Liberties and Civil Rights sections.
Optional Civil Rights/Liberties Booklet doc Complete the booklet in AP LEVEL responses- brief/general answers will not be counted, to receive a 10% bump on the Unit 8 exam up to 100%. Remember, there will be NO retakes on this unit. Unit 8 Review Guide doc