The following components are due on your Weebly class portfolio site by Friday January 24th. A video guiding you how to find news articles and complete a blog entry can be found at the bottom of this web page and is also located at the top of the General Resources page here. Want screen shots to walk you through??? click here
Home Page: A picture of an item related to Government is to be inserted
About Me: Briefly introduce yourself in a paragraph (5 sentences MINIMUM). You are to include a minimum of three pictures/images of your likes/interests- they do not need to be images of yourself! If you like soccer, you may insert a image of people playing soccer or of your favorite soccer team from an appropriate image search. Thirdly, you are to write three ways/actions you will take to be successful in AP Government in complete sentences.
Blog: You should have an entry about a current event. For each blog post entry you are to have a title, FIRST PARAGRAPH: summary of the article/situation which tells me the who, what, when, where, and why for the story IN YOUR OWN WORDS in a MINIMUM OF 5 WELL WRITTEN SENTENCES demonstrating your critical thinking. In a SECOND PARAGRAPH, connect the article to one or more of the principles of the Constitution, key vocabulary from the current unit, AND EXPLAIN the connection. Also, give your opinion/reaction to the situation in a MINIMUM OF 5 WELL WRITTEN SENTENCES demonstrating your critical thinking. Lastly, include the link/URL to the article.
Unit Pages: Each unit will have a page with the title of the unit and your Mastery Project product for that unit typed, linked, or embedded on the page.
Creative Product Options Note: You may need to create multiple products or choose multiple options to address all of the Learning Objectives. Tutorials for products are available on the product websites and on YouTube. You are NOT limited to the options below!